How to use Schedule

Now as much as we would love to have teleportation tech, we are all still confined to the limits of our existing technology. However, hTime can give you that teleportation-like feeling by significantly reducing the time it takes to connect with your loved ones or colleagues.

How long you ask?
How about 10 seconds? 😎

Lets look at an example for scheduling a meeting using hTime

Lets say you are in London and your invitees are based in San Francisco and Berlin. You are in a rush and need to send out a quick invite. Time zone math is not an option. So you head over to and set your availability range.

Then securely connect your calendar of choice (Google for now, Outlook coming soon!) and start inviting others you want to meet with.

Start typing in email addresses of your participants and hTime will pull in their availability for you and suggest a range of global hours to meet.

Communicate your chosen hours by sending out the invite on your behalf automatically.

If your participants are not hTimer users, you can just enter their geographic location and hTime will automatically make a smart recommendation for those individuals.

If you frequently meet up with certain participants, why not invite them to hTime? This will make scheduling a lot more easy for you in the future!

In Summary

hTime uses 3 attributes when you schedule meetings with it. Namely;

  • Global hour disc that rotates based on your (and your participant's) location
  • Connected calendar application for your and all participant's availability
  • Preferred availability range that hTime users set

It will then work it's magic behind the scene to find THE BEST time slot to meet in under 10 seconds!

Bye Bye 👋 juggling between calendars and time zone calculations